Does anyone know if this serves to bots?
var timeout;
document.onmousemove = function(){
timeout = setTimeout(function(){alert("move your mouse");}, 60000);
I'm not sure that would do much since it is Javascript, therefore can easily be removed by any bots.
In order to see the last 5 payments and send others using the API you must send a POST request to the server. The command you are using sends a GET request, which is only compatible with the balance API (allowing it to work with Microwallet).
Try to use the method listed
here to send a POST request to FaucetBox. It would probably look similar to this:
$postParams = @{count='5';api_key='APIKEY';currency='BTC'}
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -Body $postParams
Can you suggest which ad networks to use in running faucetbox? I'm currently running and there are lots of traffic already but the ads alone can't match the expenses. Is that normal? Any suggestions with the ad networks to use?
It is somewhat common for faucets to use Google Adsense to cover costs, however this may not work if you do not have a bank account to receive payment.
Thanks its working
$postParams = @{count='5';api_key='APIKEY';currency='BTC'}
$getpayout = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -Body $postParams
I get this
{"status":200,"rewards":[{"to":"18SjJnsZ19yn7zaQynGnVPftBNesY9GkT3","amount":"52","date":"2016-03-10 10:51:50"},{"to":"1PgcyzYVQ42wZTF5694am22xcgnoWuVa3v","amount":"350","date":"2016-03-10 1
0:51:50"},{"to":"1U7vnKcAXXd7uviexDZNAqd9wXDUh2KdH","amount":"350","date":"2016-03-10 10:51:08"},{"to":"1KZNZkncdboRL9r9G7tenzEYVncLWykanx","amount":"52","date":"2016-03-10 10:51:05"},{"to":
"14JBHfFZtpmWx6BBc8cdBBCyHR8F9wEP1Z","amount":"350","date":"2016-03-10 10:51:05"}]}
Is it hard to convert it to look like this?
"to":"18SjJnsZ19yn7zaQynGnVPftBNesY9GkT3","amount":"52","date":"2016-03-10 10:51:50"
"to":"1PgcyzYVQ42wZTF5694am22xcgnoWuVa3v","amount":"350","date":"2016-03-10 10:51:50"
"to":"1KZNZkncdboRL9r9G7tenzEYVncLWykanx","amount":"52","date":"2016-03-10 10:51:05"