MexicanTarget, this might be kind of a long post, so thanks in advance for taking the time. What you do here, and on FH, is greatly appreciated.
I first ran into you early last year, here, about the time Epay took a shit. I was already using Faucet System for a small list of faucets, and you invited me to try FH. And since then, I have been trying to use FH for my faucets. But I keep running into a few issues, and I would like to address them here publicly so that others might benefit from the answers as well.
First, a few stipulated factors. Let's assume for these examples that I am not a premium user, I am running a known stable script, and my site is behind CloudFlare.
When I set up a new faucet and add it to the site, it fairly quickly begins to get some users and payouts. And for the first few days, there is sort of stable daily level of use. Then at some point, the traffic goes up ten fold, and just starts claiming the faucet down to nothing. It is of particular concern to me because, during that first few days or week of operation, the number claims roughly matches the number of CAPTCHAs completed, as do hits to the site, and so on. But when that wave hits, all of a sudden the traffic and CAPTCHA counts don't match anymore. CAPTCHA and traffic counts drop to under ten percent compared to the number of claims I get in FH.
Where is this traffic coming from that can claim from a site without viewing an ad, without completing a CAPTCHA, and without generating at least a non-unique page view in my server stats? On one of my actual faucets, I have had over 2,000 claims in the past 24 hours, and my server stats show under 100 page views.
So, my first question is, where is all this magic invisible ninja traffic coming from? While I trust you are making every effort to provide the best security you can, it seems implausible that there would be such a huge wave of purely unprofitable traffic without tripping some sort of alarm.
My second question might be more of a feature request. Isn't there some way to at least estimate the amount of traffic a site might experience when added to the FH list? For someone who comes in new, it's got to be a shock to the system to wake up three or four days after adding their shiny new faucet only to find that it has been drained in a few hours.
Further, I understand there is a large possibility I am fucking it up somehow.
In fact, I am very humble on this point. But I am fairly savvy guy, I have done my best to gather the best info, implement the best protections I can, and secure these sites. If I can't figure it out, there's probably a lot of newbies that are going to have that wake up moment. There doesn't seem to be a lot of guidance in regard to actual security, how to identify traffic anomalies, what to report, what is normal, and so on. So maybe that's something to consider as well.
I want to build a business model that uses FH exclusively for a wide array of sites. But until I figure these things out, it's just not possible. Again, sorry for the long post. I know you are busy. I really appreciate the breadth and magnitude of everything you do.