NB of claims:270 claims
Average per claim:1245 SAT
Total bonus:0.00015543 BTC
Total fees:0.00015000 BTC
Total paidout:0.00136600 BTC
Are you among the winners?
1245 satoshy in average is at my opinion interesting.
seems in majority other faucets are better because more claimers on other faucets.
Soon average will be stabilized...because inactive accounts will be cancelled.
If you believe that 1245 satoshi (in average) is not enough...it simple as 123...do not claim.
At my opinion again (but it is only an opinion) over 800 satoshi per claim (in average) it is interesting to claim.
I insist about "average" because when you claim you can get more or less...and then it is you the actor who fix the average.
I'm so frustrated when so often I claim on faucets and i see the message "insuffiicent funds"
This can not happen with winspiral's faucet,because it is the market who regulates the winning.
If it is low,it is only a fact of the bad luck.
Any way...you are the ones who fix the average winnings...it is the first principle of this unique faucet.
All is done in transparence...
you can see how much the last claimers have claimed.
And you can easily see that winspiral's faucet is among the top of hundredth of faucets...(ok not the best)
Ok it will certainly not stay so...it is why I should perhaps be better for you to profit now and not wait the time where the cake is split in many many little parts...
BTW ...then it is interestng having many referrals...
It's the law of the market...It's not my invention...It's only an application of what exists already but is not applicated in the faucet world...
People are doubdfull about new systems...I agree...
But so far...the few ones who have trusted at the "wonderful system" have won 136600 satoshi for very very little work.
You have to consider not only the winning,but the work you have to do to win it.
I have often heard:
Only 10000 sat per week or so...it is too low...
ok 10000 sat is almost nothing,but the work to do is till less (lol)
Chek your faucetbox:
if you see 10000 sat or so...among the other winnings...you can say to yourself:
the 10000 sat or so...I have won them with no much effort...
It it was with effort...then i'm sorry...you can say you are" unlucky"
The wheel will turn...
The market is always right...
I forecast you:
the average reward per claim will not stay around 1200 satoshi because i'm not better then the best faucets you can see on the net...
but winspiral's faucet will be the faucet where the reward will please...because it will be the right reward.