I don't think you understand the 'hell' that is North Korea. They have famines and dwindling resources, people starving or being beaten in work camps, etc. etc. I don't think many other countries are in the shape North Korea is in
Let me fix that for you:
Now, lest talk about garden gnomes (a.k.a completely off topic rant):
You land whales think you can buy a burgers and eat your self to death = freedom? Your greed driven, debt-ridden version of democracy is a sad joke on yourselves. Why are you exporting (war, anyone?) this Orwellian nightmare, wrapped in shiny Burger King paper, to the rest of the world? Do you really think that everyone wants to drink your overpriced sugar water, eat your shit sandwiches and be in debt for rest of their lives. (just rhetorical question, please, do not answer)
Back to the topic: Get over this liberty dollar crap an look at the bigger picture and then its smaller details.
I never said the states were some shining beacon of a perfect country or something. It's just that the resources in North Korea, due to greed, and concentrated towards a very small group and then rest of the country is living in the worst kind of staving-and-dying poverty