My first Don-Fee was 0.00022248 at 2013-04-20 04:43:48
Most Recent 0.00590691 at 2013-04-20 05:12:48, just 30 minutes later.
I call "bullshit coin"
Actually, it was 0.2 %, and "Don_Fee" is donation + fee
You got paid:
In fees you paid:
Not usually. Where is this fee stated? If I missed it, I will gladly retract my negative statements.
I've run it between 0 and 1%, usually 0.2% but it gets rounded a little bit so your net was 0.45%.
If you don't like it go somewhere else; it costs me time and money (and FC when I make a mistake) to run the pool for a coin that can't pay the bills. It's just for personal enjoyment, no need to get so tense about it.
I'm good. I apologize for coming across as an ass....really. I missed it, and admit that I did.