Feathercoin Mandatory UpdateFeathercoin 0.19 is now available and is considered a mandatory update due to changes to the automatic checkpointing system. The old checkpointing system is not completely compatible with the updated version, failure to update could leave users on the wrong chain in case of an attack. Exchanges have been informed to upgrade and Feathercoin wallets will be in maintenance until the new checkpointing system is running.
If you require a legacy version then there are the 0.13, 0.16, 0.17 and 0.18 branches that have also been updated to the latest checkpointing system. If you require a legacy feature from a prior wallet but are unsure when it was removed send me a message and I'll find out for you.
You can download the latest version of Feathercoin from the link below.
Feathercoin GitHub ReleasesAbout FeathercoinFeathercoin is a powerful open source digital currency with monetary properties likened to Bitcoin but under the hood is something very different.
Feathercoin is an upgraded and customised version of Bitcoin. Feathercoin was born with the intent to expand, experiment, and build onto the blockchain technology in a manner open to all for participation. Block hashing uses the excellent NeoScrypt which is an updated version of Scrypt using modern faster elements, see the whitepaper below. Feathercoin is also ten times faster than Bitcoin having 60 second blocks giving it that many times more capacity for transactions. The difficulty adjust eHRC (enhanced Hash Rate Compensation) to make sure that blocks come in on average at 60 seconds is also a unique solution first developed by Feathercoin and now used by several popular coins. Automatic Checkpointing is used to protect the history of the chain and prevent 51% attacks reversing transactions.
Technical featuresNeoScrypt Block Hashing
40 Coin reward per block (Post halving)
336 million coins total
Block target is 60 seconds
Block reward halves every 2,100,000 blocks
P2P Port 9336
RPC Port 9337
eHRC (enhanced Hash Rate Compensation)
Advanced Checkpointing
http://www.reddit.com/r/FeatherCOin/GithubFeathercoin Source:
https://github.com/FeatherCoin/FeathercoinFeathercoin Miner:
https://github.com/ghostlander/nsgminerFeathercoin p2pool:
https://github.com/wellenreiter01/p2pool-neoscryptFeathercoin Help:
https://github.com/ghostlander/NeoScryptBlock Explorershttps://chainz.cryptoid.info/ftc/http://explorer.feathercoin.com/chain/FeathercoinFeathercoin Mining Poolhttps://pool.feathercoin.com/ExchangesBittrexBTERBittyliciousCryptopiaRich Listhttps://chainz.cryptoid.info/ftc/#!richNeoscrypt whitepaperhttp://phoenixcoin.org/archive/neoscrypt_v1.pdf