The lack of enthusiasm is depressing...
Remember the good old days of "When Lambo?' when goat actually bought a Lambo with BTC?
What do all plan on doing with these coins, keep it till they reach one quadrillion and by that time they're too old deaf, or visually impaired to even drive a car have the seed inscribed on the top of the coffin so you might exchange them to afterlife coins on some cosmic dex?
It baffles me that people here are saying "no one in their right mind will spend bitcoin on Ferrari" while there are loads of crypto millionaires who are flexing by buying luxury cars, and just because they are not willing to spend bitcoin, they think that everyone else has the same mindset.
As I mentiond earlier, few years ago I bought my father a car with bitcoin. At that time BTC was ~50k and logic behind this was that my father is not getting any younger while his dream was to have SUV or something along those lines as he is at the age when its not easy to get in/out of those lower cars (and the one he drove was ~20 years old). So why the fuck not cash out part of my BTC instead holding onto it for 4-5 years more just so I can get better car/spend less BTC? I am not saying that people should sell all of their BTC they have and buy some crap (but even if they want, who am I to tell them how to spend their money), but I don't see anything bad at spending part of it every once in a while.
I'm starting to believe the biggest obstacle right now to mass adoption for it like a true p2p system is the holders themselves!
Not once I heard people here saying that its stupid to spend bitcoin and if people here are not willing to do it, then who is?
Chosing Bitpay means we have to pay 1-2% + 25¢ extra if we want to buy Ferrari car with btc. Ferrari is such a big company and company like this should work on own payment system rather then other source where customers have to bear the extra fee burden.
You will probably pay even higher fee when converting btc to fiat so I don't see any problem with that. Would it be better if Ferrari acceptes BTC directly? Of course it would, but that's not realistic at this point and it won't be for quite some time.
Ferrari is such a big company and company like this should work on own payment system rather then other source where customers have to bear the extra fee burden.
Of course they won't bother making their own payment system when percentage of people who will actually pay with crypto won't be that high anyway. They don't care about bitcoin as all they care about is how to sell cars in the most convenient way.
Because payments are made through BitPay, Ferrari will probably accept shitcoins? It would be laughable if they accept BCash too. BitPay was a known advocate for BCash.
Since payments will be processed by Bitpay its safe to assume that all currencies supported by them will be accepted, including BCH.
What happens is that I simply changed my opinion, you know I was anti shitcoin, anti-intermediaries, but if you see things are not working the way you wish then you start to think what's the next best and less bad than complete control thing, and yeah, payment gateways, without them there is nothing so the only compromise available. Besides, nobody stops Ferrari after taking your BTC to dump them on the market, right?
What people here often don't understand is that we won't woke up one day and suddenly everyone will accept bitcoin directly as intended. Instead, changes will be small and gradual and I see this as just another small step into right direction when companies finally understand that bitcoin is here to stay and that it has many advantages over fiat. But untill that happens, 3rd party services are necessary evil.