I don't know where you read me suggesting that fiat currencies will survive until the end of the century.
Try to read my messages and you will see that nowhere I suggested something link that.
Commodities can become currencies if they are put on the blockchain, so to speak, i.e. if they are used to back cryptos.
In fact, something like that exists already. They call them x-backed Stablecoins, where x is a commodity.
Certain commodities were currencies, for example gold. They called it Gold Standard and it worked well until the Central Banks took control of the financial system and imposed their fake money.
Gold can be a currency again as a gold-backed Stablecoin.
Commodity-backed Stablecoins are cryptos, I guess, that's why we can talk about them in a fiat vs. crypto thread.
It seems we didn't understand each other. You said that I'm considering fiat currencies at the point of collapse, my response was that they all have a point of collapse as they all had it in the past. If we compare it to bitcoin we'll see that many of them went through hyperinflation and died in less than 10 years from being released, which makes them much more volatile in general terms.
We agree about fiat currency collapsing some day.
We disagree about which period we have to look at in order to consider the volatility of fiat currency: you look at the collapsing-period, I look at the normal-period.
Even if a commodity becomes a currency it still won't be fiat currency. In your own words, a commodity backed stablecoin is a cryptocurrency (which is something the community has yet to agree on), but if we talk about them here what are we going to compare them to in a crypto vs fiat thread? They aren't very volatile, so in these terms cryptos score even better.
You are right.
It is not clear what
cryptocurrencies means.
There are those who don't think commodities-backed Stablecoins should be considered cryptocurrencies.
There are those who don't even think that Stablecoins altogether should be considered cryptocurrencies.
For me, cryptocurrencies are currencies (means of payment) that use blockchain, blockchain-based currencies.
"They aren't very volatile, so in these terms cryptos score even better."
That's the point!
"Fiat VS. Crypto, which is a more stable currency?"
As far as volatility is concerned... Cryptos!
Just use some commodity and back them up.
We don't need to look at collapsing scenarios, even in normal times cryptos are more stable than fiat.
Do you want to make cryptos win vs. fake money?
Back them up with gold.
Problem solved.
Cryptos win.
Anyway, like you said it's a tricky question. As a fiat hater I took the obvious stance. The stability of fiat is fake, superficial, like that house that looks good on the outside but is ready to collapse and when it happens it's going to be quick and sudden.
I 100% agree.
The stability of fiat is fake.
People believe that fiat is stable because of those manipulated statistics about inflation rates.
This is fiat's true stability