ver and craig dont even hands on code BCH. so they have less actual impact on the cash economy.. and by that standard as the networks are separate, even less impact on the core network
CSW is creating his very own coin and he is actually involved in the process as we speak and he has been involved with BCH too and had actual impact. as for Ver, since you love example so much, for example if you pay an assassin to assassinate someone you can't say your hands are clean because you never touched a gun. Ver funded creation of BCH and not to mention the 24/7 propaganda machine that he runs.
oh and by the way it DOES have effect on bitcoin network. or have you forgotten the way EDA worked by creating a huge incentive for miners to switch (1000+ block/day or 12,500 BCH per day) and caused delays in block generating in bitcoin and made a bigger backlog?
as for Core dudes i never said they are perfect. in fact i'd say some of them should not even be involved in the decision making process. for instance i have not yet forgotten the UASF shenanigans of 2017 with Luke convincing people that it is fine to split bitcoin into two with only an extremely low hashrate.
as you said craig is creating a coin...... and.... nothing
coins are created every day.
the point is while everyone finger points at another coin. they are not looking at the core devs.
let him make 500 coins.. let him wear a dress and put a flower in his hair.. its just drama
ver drama, is just drama.
there was no gun.. to use your example. his "unlimited" was never a mandatory thing. so it was all word and fear over nothing. even classic even XT. none of them had mandatory chain split code.
it was all distractions to create a fan base to put core devs onto a throne and declare bitcoin core the monarchy
the ver owns bitcoin.. again drama. persuade the sheep to put core on a throne with empty distractions of someone
craig wright and ver didnt manually code unlimited themselves. plus unlimited is on BCH. BCH does not affect btc
even hashrate does not effect things.
last week i seen the hashrate go from between 57exa to 42exa a 26% variance..
i seen the highest mempool sizes due to people trying to get in and out of exchanges
neither case was due to anything Bch had caused anything close to
miners pool skip daily.
its all just drama of distraction.
even things like wanting to fill a block header to prevent asic boost. is actually a distraction to fill a blockheader so that people cant just make easy sidechains and circumvent cores roadmap of wanting LN to be the only side option to onchain
but anyway if you follow the money. ver is paid by the same people that pay core devs and pay gavin. and also pay hearne. its all bribery to make them the face of distraction.
what i really loved.. november 2017. while the sheep were distracted by the ver middle finger. they did not see the "segwit1x lock segwit 2x blocked" event that the institutional investors paid the devs/contracted them to develop and activate. which when locked institutional money came flying into the markets and as you can see by the price mountain of november onwards.. .. well maybe most didnt see as they were too busy with social distractions of some non-coder sticking his finger up to a webcam
oh and the round tables of 2016. where developers plotted the roadmap options.. oh wait. too busy distracted by craig wright is satoshi and has some proof coming out soon.
all just distractions