Our site backend is modular, the roll server is a stand-alone component that can be deployed on a machine we do not have control of, as a consequence, we won't have knowledge of the server seeds and couldn't predict any roll outcome. This would render totally impossible playing against the site investors. It's the first implementation of this kind, as far as we know.
How are you gonna be able to proof that you do not have control of the roll server?
How trusted would that third party that is in control of the server be?
What will happen if the server crashes or has any other sort of technical problem?
The server will be managed by a major investor or a group of investors. That means that they will have direct interest in ensuring that we do not have access to the system.
We tested extensively our software and can say it is stable, anyhow, in case of a failure we will assist directly the involved parties in order to solve the issue.