No, there is a point when if you gamble "too much" without according importance to the fees and to the total amount of money in game you can make your teammate lose money. According to that, you can imagine that a "stupid" enemy can decide to get revenge of you by making both team "lose" (he will lose money himself for sure, even more than you but whatever..).
For exemple: If you look here, that's what happened to me: (Round 143 YELLOWvsBLUE!)
1) I'm in the blue team. And the 15Nc9z58z5CxYEgGbh5HvNmdLnCNnpeVJq 0.007 BTC bet was mine. It was a winning bet because the sharing result was superior to 0.007 just when it was confirmed (but not at the end of the game and I'll explain why).
2) My "enemy" decides to bet against himself (the 12JPNjfD1QGivFsJZ4S4wdvffYEMjiKAw2 0.018 BTC). His bet is huge relative to the total of BTC in the game. That fact leads to two different bad things:
a) Bad for him: His bet is a losing bet. With the high fees and this quantity of money in the game he can't expect to win anything (sharing part = 0.01486089 BTC, for an initial bet of 0.018) and he makes his whole team lose.
b) Bad for the winning team: The "blue" team loses money because the sharing part goes "down" because of his bet. According to that my 00.7 BTC is finally a losing bet with only 0.00589730 BTC sharing result.
3) Here we can make a discount :
Yellow team: Everybody LOSE
Blue team:1st bet : 0.0007 BTC ==> sharing part: 0.00114364 BTC ==> WIN
2nd bet: 0.005 BTC ==> sharing part: 0.00488779 BTC ==> LOSE
3nd bet: 0.002 BTC ==> sharing part: 0.00192981 BTC ==> LOSE
4nd bet: 0.003 BTC ==> sharing part: 0.00259809 ==> LOSE
5nd bet: 0.002 BTC ==> sharing part: 0.00589730 BTC ==> LOSE
SUICIDE BET : 6nd bet: 0.018 BTC ==> sharing part: 0.01486089 BTC ==> LOSE - AND MAKE EVERYBODY EXCEPT 1st BET LOSE
Obviously this situation can also happen if your teammate just bet "too much" without any consideration for the fees and and the total of money your team can win. But what I don't like is the possibility for an enemy to "suicide" the game by frustration and to make almost everybody lose. Here, as you can see, the only one who won't lose money is the first blue bet with no fees that get back what they had gamble + a little part of the bonus.
I don't know if I'm clear and hope you understand my explanation ^^
Yes I absolutely get it, the explanation was very clear. My apologies, I should have put better thought into it. That is a really strange way to play the game, I can not figure out why. Maybe it is frustration but also someone might find it fun to highlight a flaw in the game mechanics this way.
Dunno though, it's hardly a flaw... it is pretty much cost-prohibitive to do that in the long run or with any bigger bets. Could it work just to add more money to the additional jackpots now? There would be some to share and that would naturally raise the bets and make ruining the games like that pretty costly.