A bit off topic but have you noticed that the more money cancer research receives the more cancer rates go up. After many decades and billions of dollars in R&D cancer has now reached epidemic levels.
Ya, kinda like the more money NASA gets, the deeper their bullshit gets.
Cancer is a huge scam. They don't want a cure, because that would end the thriving cancer business.
They make billions off cancer treatment.
They have these huge "warnings" on Canadian cigarettes now (which aren't really warnings).
predictive programming. They
want people to get cancer.
If they wanted people to quit smoking, they'd stop selling cigarettes.
Too much tax revenue lost if they do that though.
Freemasons and their ilk run most of the cancer research funding, so that's a good indicator that there's some kind of Luciferian fuckery afoot.
See also:
Cancer Masons: A Cult of DeathI hope this posts works as predictive programming for Vod.
Get cancer of the fat and die Vod, you stupid goof.
PS; Eat shit, BADecker. Fuck you, too.
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