In fact, since Felix joined Barcelona, he has become a differentiator and has contributed greatly to the current team. initially, Joao Felix's position was center forward. however, when he was loaned to Chelsea, he was rotated several times. Finally, this season Felix is playing with Barcelona. we see his hard work, he never gives up. in fact, Felix has many opportunities to score goals. we can look at the data and statistics, or when playing with Barcelona. unfortunately, he has only scored two goals so far. I think he is very better, than Ferran Torres. After all, his job at Barcelona is not as a Goal Getter. he was assigned to support Lewandowski, as Targer Man. I think this is a matter of tactics and strategy that Xavi applies, but that doesn't mean players like Felix and his colleagues can't score goals.
So far, Felix has scored 5 goals in various competitions. 2 goals in La Liga, 3 goals in the Champions League. also, 3 assists.
For me, the contribution is quite large. in particular, when breaking down Atletico Madrid. In fact, I read from one of the newspapers, that Diego Simeone started praising him if his game started to look good again. I can have another view, if Joao were with the Gunners, he would be played as a productive center forward with the style and characteristics of Arsenal's game. if Felix can achieve his game, I mean, maturity and stability in his game, he will be one of the great stickers.