Thanks to Messi Barcelona has been a threat for nearly two decades now, that means something to barca fans, and not what we should use for comparison. Don't get me wrong, you can say Ronaldo is better, I just feel like he is not better just because he played on different teams, there are other reasons for it, and Messi is not worse just because he played in one league neither. If you want to compare them, compare their stats, not their league history.
This is what I meant when I said above that all the context is taken out of the cartoon,,, I also found it funny yes but it is totally an inaccurate depiction of either Ronaldo or Messi. Maybe it is more fair to Ronaldo as he wanted the moves all the time even from United days I remember the drama of Real approaching him all the time.
For Messi he had no choice, so was pushed rather than jumped.
And agree. Who is better will forever be up for argument, but you cannot use his success at different clubs to compare with one guy who was not only loyal to his club but to his wife since childhood
It is also up for debate if Messi would have been great at other clubs as well. Not like Ronaldo went to teams that were horrible neither, he went from United to Real to Juventus to United now, and all of them were great teams.
Sure United was amazing when he played there and he wasn't just good at the league, but good at UCL, but when he reached to Madrid? That was the period he became better than ever because he had a good team around him as well and played awesome at UCL as well, when he went to Juventus not only they were bad at UCL, they were not even good at Serie A by his late days (and even more horrible now) so Ronaldo wasn't even amazing at every place he went to, or he had a great team around him.
What would happen if Messi went to United? Or Juventus? Would he be better? Would he be worse? We do not know answers to any of these questions. So it would be silly to compare.