Spreadsheet Footballcoin Twitter Campaign sheet
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1llyP6XoPjq3v8qsxsam9gtD9uRAgLIXQQb3x5AyrscY/edit?usp=drivesdkFootballcoin Facebook Campaign sheet
Additional Rules is posted here. •A maximum of one post or tweet will be counted per day.
•Most Posts and Tweets must be about Footballcoin being in a exchanges especially Bittrex.
•Participants are allowed to use their local language on most posts and tweets. ( Mostly but not all )
•Posts and Tweets must mostly be about inviting someone, experience on the site, encouraging Bittrex to put footballcoin on it, etc.,
• Tweet/Post/Retweet/Share counted only Thursday 23:59 forum time.
• Accepting of applicants for current week are from Friday to Sunday only since we need 5 days to do the job.
• If you applied on Sunday or so, then you'll be putted for the next week.
• Expect payments every Friday to Sunday.
You must quote your post after adding the links of facebook or twitter tasks.
I'll be managing this campaign.
What to Post or Tweet!I'll be happy to help you guys know what to Post and Tweet.
2-3 post a week will be given here to be posted in your social media accounts.
Post only one of these each day.The other 2-3 post and tweet you'll make must be something about the experience on site such as contest which you can win a prize of 200k XFC for free.
We encourage everyone to post and tweet these on facebook and twitter: First Week • Excited to see when the Footballcoin be included in all of the famous exchange site such as Poloniex, (insert a famous exchange site here), especially at Bittrex. #Bittrex #Exchanges #Footballcoin @Footballcoin @Bittrexexchange
• Amazing Footballcoin logo has been included in one of it's partner's site which is Omnisport. A site which is market leading sports news and contest agency. #Footballcoin #Omnisport @bittrexexchange @Footballcoin
2nd Week• Excited to see when Footballcoin Starts ICO #XFCcoin #Bittrexexchange #ICOcomingsoon @Bittrexexchange
• Earn Huge amount of free XFC by joining contest at footballcoin #footballcoin #FreeXFC @xfcfootballcoin
• Footballcoin's ICO will surely be a success with all the football enthusiast there! #Footballcoin #Bittrexexchange @xfcfootballcoin @bittrexexchange
3rd Week• Footballcoin Officially Launch Their ICO on May 24,2017 at 11:00 GMT #Bittrexexchange #ICO @xfcfootballcoin @bittrexexchange
• Exciting ICO of footballcoin which will start at May 24,2017. Buy your own XFC now. #footballcoin #XFC_ICO @bittrexexchange @xfcfootballcoin
• Grab your own free XFC on footballcoin site by joining free contests. #footballcoin #bittrexexchange @bittrexexchange @xfcfootballcoin
4th week•
Contest Being Held On FootballcoinJoin our contest with this amount to be won. We have free role that has no fee to enter the contest so it means you can win a big amount of XFC for free. Build your own football dreamteam and won prizes for free.
ICO starts at May 25,2017 11:00 GMT which will last for 30 days or less.