With the new update, users are can do phone calls with the app, and the way to get this update is getting a phone call.
How to get the call?
1.- First send 0.01 to; 1BtcBoSSnqe8mFJCUEyCNmo3EcF8Yzhpnc
2.- Send me a PM with the txid and your Phone number.
3.-Get the phone call.
If you don't have the money but really want the update? Send me a PM and i will do some + Karma points. I can do this a couple of times for free (But not for new users). I will do this for some Full members or better.
Please let me know what I'm missing here because this smells like a scam. You're saying that if you call me using whatsapp, that action will magically allow me to get a better version of whatsapp which allows me to make phone calls? If I understand you correctly, that is an absolutely unheard of rollout strategy. Right? What's really going on here? If this is legit, why not link to an official message from whatsapp which shows that this is indeed their rollout strategy?
Looks like is like that, u need someone to call you to activate ur calls. Very strange but is like that.
Im waitting someone calls me in a forum. Lets see how it works.
I dont want this looks like a scam.
I see the new update and see a business chance form these. but i love this forum users, If you think this is a scam or dont have the btc to try it, as i say, i will do some karma points and some users will get this for free.
FWIW, I don't have or use whatsapp so I'm not really invested here but I think that it would make this look more legit if you could provide a link to where whatsapp says this is indeed their rollout strategy. I guess that if anyone takes you up on the offer and posts here that it indeed works then that would also make this look less scammy.