This almost seems like the same user as the Yoandy10 user name, comes off all sincere, acts like they know nothing to try to make a score IMO
See! You too doubt my honesty! Just like I suspect somebody who everybody else recommends as the most trustworthy choice for escrow!
I think it's just reasonable not to send considerable amount of money to a unknown stranger in the Internet!
But moving on from repeating myself, isn't the important question what can be learned here?
Can this community elaborate a risk-free escrow method for trading valuable physical items.
It might turn out already in Monday that I find an insurance company and/or and delivery company that carries these things insured.
That could be a way I could send the coin to an escrow user.
(And note: I first tried to auction the coin in June, now I have around three months of experience of this forum and of some of its users. I have more knowledge to estimate the risk. Saying that I'm not as totally skeptical about using an escrow as I was three months ago)