150 merits for a couple of weeks is a very impressive result.
There are plenty of people that have done better, and it was just regular posting; I am not technically literate on the subject of Bitcoin, and I don't even have a full grasp of Bitcoin's history even though I've been here for 90% of the time. I'm always trying to learn, but I only post if there's something I can contribute to the thread. I have had a lot of free time recently so I've been reading the forums for an
absurd amount of hours. I would expect within the next couple weeks for merit to start to rain freely again as sources refresh their merit; people went crazy when it first came out, but once it refreshes there will be plenty to go around.
It may be possible that more established members can get more merits per post, the activity:merit ratio in the new requirements suggests that it was the idea when making these numbers.
Some of the most merited users are not high ranking or established; but it should be expected of a user that wishes to rank up to higher levels to contribute a higher level of posts and thus achieve more merit:activity. It does suggest that higher ranks are expected to contribute to a greater extent than lower ranking members; which is perfectly fair, wouldn't you agree?
I'm not going to exchange merits between accounts - it's not only an abuse of the system, it would ruin the whole experiment.
Yeah, I assumed as much; just keep it casual, regular and keep doing what you do. I'm enjoying the experiment and there are many others keeping watch as well.
There is another example of ranking up to Member from scratch under the new system: Looks like 10 merit points is not a big deal.
Yes, the lower ranks will still probably be easily attainable, but the higher ranks as you've pointed out will begin to be more exclusive. Big improvement, in my book.