I think as long as reporters find these types of "mouthpieces" for bitcoin, you're going to continue to see these types of articles. This one honestly isn't too bad, as far as tech journalism goes. Anyone that thinks otherwise simply has not dealt with the media before. I do agree it *is* a wake up call as to how inaccurate things are reported if you're first becoming exposed to this. Bitcoin is being treated no differently than any other tech in that regards, however.
Honestly, after seeing the e-mail sent to this reporter by who appears to be the primary contributor to the story, I'm very surprised this article was as fair as it was. We deserved worse, given that input. Garbage in, garbage out - most people here should realize that.
Bitcoin definitely needs at least a few people who can be counted on to give professional, rational, and accurate responses/interviews to the media. Those who cannot really should take a step back and consider the damage they are doing to the perception of Bitcoin, regardless of how technically "correct" they are in their paranoid rants. A well reasoned and properly toned e-mail/conversation/interview goes a hell of a lot further than some idiot on the internet flaming a reporter in all caps. You can be correct, but still horribly wrong at the same time.
My advice? If you're talking to the media, pretend you're talking on behalf of an employer. Is what your saying accurate? Is it professional? Will saying this get you fired? Can you disagree with someone in a more reasonable sounding manner regardless of how idiotic or wrong their statements are? Take the high road.
Remember folks, a US Senator has a hell of a lot more immediate trust instilled on the media and general populace than some otherwise well reasoned and respected person on the Internet. It's not even a competition when it's against a few whacko-sounding net kooks talking in a disjointed, disrespectful, and completely embarrassing manner.
Also remember, the media will *always* try to contact the net kooks for stories once they become known, since they provide good antics and quotes to write about. Hey, it's probably some of the only fun a reporter gets to have these days
To those whom presented themselves professionally in this piece - for what it's worth you have my thanks!
Just my .02btc, coming from someone who could care less about the speculation angle and wants this project to be an overall long-term success.