FortuneJack Amazing Promotions
FortuneJack is proud to present unparalleled Promotions:LOYALTY PROGRAMWe appreciate your loyalty here at FortuneJack. To show this and to keep you coming back again and again, we've created the Loyalty Program!
Our Loyalty Program is based around our Loyalty Points. So, every time you wager coins, you'll earn one Loyalty Point, which can, in turn, be redeemed for BTC's for your account.
How do you earn these points? As we say, just keep doing what you've done all along – play and have fun!
BRONZE Member: You qualify for BRONZE as soon as you bet your first deposit.
SILVER Member: Earn 5,000 points across a 3- month period to qualify for Silver membership.
GOLD Member: Earn 20,000 points during a 3-month period to qualify for Gold membership.
PLATINUM Member: Earn 50,000 points across a 3- month period to qualify for Platinum.
WEEKLY PROMOTIONSFortuneJack Casino rewards its most prolific players with irresistible bonuses each week! These fantastic promotions mean you're guaranteed to be rewarded for all time spent on FortuneJack.
Current Offers:Unlucky Jack – Announcement each Monday at 11:00 Casino Time
FortuneJack rewards the top 3 unlucky players of each weak by redeeming 20% of their net loss back to them. These unlucky few are identified by the size of the deposit sum they lose during the respective single week.
Most Active Chat User – Announcement each Thursday at 11:00 Casino Time:
We reward the top 5 chat users writing the highest number of constructive posts in our chat.
- First place will receive 0.004 BTC.
- Second place gets 0.003 BTC.
- Third place gets 0.002 BTC.
- Fourth place and fifth places get 0.001 BTC.
Earn just by being an active community member!
Jack's Favourite – Announcement each Tuesday at 11:00 Casino Time
At FortuneJack, we love players who try all of our games! So, we reward members who wager at least 0.001 BTC on every game in our range, with an amazing 50 Loyalty Points!
Part of our loyalty program is a commitment to you, our valued players. What does this mean? Well, we want to know about your experiences with FortuneJack – what you enjoy, if you feel we can make any improvements, and anything else you feel is important.
Good Luck