Earning Rate for free members - USD
USD $0.001 Per New Post
USD $0.0011 Per New Thread
USD $0.000001 Per New Poll
USD $0.01 As joining bonus
USD $0.000001 Per Poll Vote
USD $0.0000001 Per Page View
USD $0.000001 Per Visit
Daily Post Limit _ 40
Let's assume that you post 40 THREADS. You make 4 cents! Great payout for about an hour of work.
Oh; let's also count in the page views. Let's give a generous 1000 page views on the forum each day. That's a whole extra $0.0001.
"#1 Paid to Post Forum", my ass.
EDIT: I'll also give you a bitcoin version of it.
Earning Rate for free members - BTC
BTC0.000003709 Per New Post
BTC0.000004079 Per New Thread
BTC0.000000003707 Per New Poll
BTC0.00003707 As joining bonus
BTC0.000000003707 Per Poll Vote
BTC0.0000000003708 Per Page View
BTC0.000000003707 Per Visit
You'll make more on faucets, lol.
My takeaway was that this is more about paying for an upgraded account (for higher earnings) than a true money-generating opportunity. They seem to be pushing the "must get VIP!" mindset.