Even if its not pointed at me, I expected some info, or something that would be helpful.
http://articles.cnn.com/2002-12-04/tech/coolsc.coolsc.mousegenome_1_human-genome-new-human-genes-genes-that-cause-disease?_s=PM:TECHRats share about 99% of genes compared to humans, supposedly going by this article.
It wasn't a rat tumor, it was human tumor planted in the rat. If it responds in the rat, it will respond in humans.
http://www.medicorcancer.com/dca-data.html60% positive response, and several with complete tumor regression.
http://puredca.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/dca_review.jpghttp://puredca.com/testimonials/*Dr. Evangelos Michelakis, a professor at the University of Alberta Department of Medicine, has shown that dichloroacetate can turn the mitochondria of cancer cells back on, allowing them to spot the faults in the cell and commit suicide. *
http://www.canceractive.com/cancer-active-page-link.aspx?n=3153american cancer society has to say about it:
Its more then likely pharmacy companies, that offer cancer treatments for years, that make
loads of money, are just working to corrupt the system here.
There are tons of reviews, and promising results.
If some cancer patients are dying, they will die anyways,
whats the harm in offering something, that shows positive results?
They will die anyways right?
All i get is *FUD to the extreme*
You mentioned that know a couple of times, but maybe,
just maybe...you should read what people post,
because that *FUD to the extreme* statement you're so upset about wasn't even pointed at you.
So better calm down a bit.
Besides that you act like it were a proven fact that DCA is helpful at all, which is untrue,
here's for example what the american cancer society has to say about it:
DCA has been tested in humans on a small scale for rare diseases of metabolism (energy production), but has recently shown some promise in the lab for cancer treatment. This has led some people with cancer to try taking DCA on their own. DCA is known to cause nerve and liver damage, as well as some other side effects. It may also be able to cause cancer in humans, but that has not been proven.
At this time, clinical trials (studies on human volunteers) have just been started to find out if DCA might be helpful against cancer. No human studies have been completed yet, so it is unclear how or whether it might help, or what the proper dose might be.
Can't find anything about
very high success rates on humans at all,
so whats your sources? Maybe you should show some of them, instead of just mentioning something you read, heard, or viewed on a youtube-video and take it for real.