Okay i wasn't going to say anything except you've persisted in derailing a currency restriction thread topic into USA health care wtf??? your neuron wiring may need some looking at their chump?
Back on topic.
The damage to an economy with cash restrictions cannot be estimated, since much of the cash economy is unmeasured and unmeasurable. They are playing with some serious fire. Restricting ANY economic activity at this time is lunacy, just look at Greece, Spain and Italy, all these economies have gone into a serious tail-spin since cash transactions became restricted. These are exactly the actions of facist, totalitarian economies, and usually when going into their end-of-life phase. I would warn against investing at all in France and getting funds out of there if you have any there.
And as John M. says in the article it is the small to medium enterprises that are most likely to be trading in the cash of the size that they will impact. It will hit the working poor the hardest, not the people you want to restrict economic activity since these are major drivers towards improvement. The desperately poor and living-off-the-state poor are not going to be driving any economy anywhere.
Cruel, stupid move against the working poor who are trying to better themselves by the French Socialists govt.