FinBlock [FNBK] Connecting Blockchain to the real world through IoT
Distribution: 50% Crowdsale/40% Airdrop/10% token retention
AirDrop Form: to take place 11/18/17
**Whitepaper and website posted no later than 11/20/17
Crowdsale Date: TBA (by no later than 12/15/17)
Community Update: Telegram Channel posting 11/14/17
FinBlock [FNBK] is blockchain in development to deliver real world and enterprise grade integrations into the financial ecosystem. We are working on providing blockchain connectivity, transactions and financing mechanism to the real world applications through the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices or projects. Our core focus is to bridge the huge inefficiencies in global supply chain and bridge the $5 trillion infrastructure deficit.
Three main use cases for FinBlock [FNBK] platform include :
Peer to Peer Financing for IoT enabled real world devices and projects and critical public infrastructure projects ($5 trillion deficit and opportunities)
Enabling global trade finance for the buyers and sellers with proven products, credibility and yet non-existent ratings. (Approx : $1 trillion non-existent market)
Enabling an efficient repayment mechanism coupled with FIAT currency smart-contracts linked to FNBK blockchain network.
We are currently working on providing a peer to peer financing platform through FinBlock [FNBK] network directly into the IoT Enabled water Purifier ATM machine in remote villages in the parts of Africa and India that supplies clean drinkable water at a highly subsidised rate. The same architecture can be easily scaled up in the long term by the Governments or institutions to secure/raise finance from global investors for critical infrastructure projects the are neglected and glamour-less for investors. The applications of FinBlock [FNBK] platform are endless and can be applicable to institutional/retail as well as Government Financing. From the compliance aspect, FinBlock [FNBK] network will work with regulated or existing market makers or money changers in the long term.
FinBlock [FNBK] will be opening it’s open API’s for any number of use cases such as :
Cross border remittances
PoS terminals
FinBlock [FNBK] has derived a fork out of Ethereum blockchain to enable the following features :
Hashing Algorithm: same as in Ethereum, keccak-256
Dev Language : Go, Java, NodeJs
Block time: 1 second
Type: PoW
Difficulty re-targets each block
ERC 20 compliant token to evolve into it’s own XDC01 standard with security and scalability
Fully Auditable
One coin is divisible down to 5 decimal places (divisible up to 10-5)
Total coins: 100,000,000 XDC
Gerant Nodes/Master nodes for quick processing
Lite Nodes/Wallet
Multi-Sig Contracts
API connectivity to IoT devices
Lowest latency times up to a few seconds
Hybrid Public/Private architecture with connectivity to Ethereum and Bitcoin public blockchains
I appreciate this one. Bringing the blockchain into IoT is stepping stone with much to achieve.
Please, I have a few questions to verify, which are:
1. When you say fork of Ethereum, I would like to know which date the fork draws from?
2. You said it's an ERC 20 compliant token to evolve into it’s own XDC01 standard with security and scalability, and does that mean FinBlock would later run on its own blockchain network?
3. When you said there's Hybrid Public/Private architecture with connectivity to Ethereum and Bitcoin public blockchains; does it mean FinBlock intends to implement a Cross Chain platform?