18RATTT exfortuna lerelerele
BitcoinShirtShop Jaroslaw MysticalCockFungus
Bitsaurus joelnet posnp369
bobbit jurisg Scigie
cloudTc kicneoj Warwick
The 39 users on this list were given sign up codes. They did create accounts at SealsWithClubs but then have either: 1) not played yet (cool, play when you get a chance), 2) transferred the chips to another account (not cool) or 3) cashed the chips for BTC and never played (also not cool):
arobinson Dark3nedFaith j_gillard simonk83
awkorama eyci kbroadfoot sleevedbiker
bitcoinplay foofight Marvalo smeagol
BitHits giulianoob neoasd401 SRG
BTCPokerGuy Grox nocompare stienski
Bungeegum hereforSWC notig totaleclipseofthebank
cc honolululu oroqen urlcool
chromaticcr IllBill pwi webchris
counter inquni1 rarkenin ZKRiNG
creativex ironcross360 Si Robertson
If you are on this list and fall into category 1) and have decided not to play please return the chips to the account swcpoker so we can give them out to someone who does want to play.
If you are on this list and in category 2) or 3) please also give back the 50 chips to the account swcpoker.