if it is web based, i don't think it need the source anymore, if there is no exe, to download it is safer, still the website need to have the green lock at least
and if it need to invest, it need an escrow that hold the funds, maybe a member of this forum
Good feedback on the "green lock" I will implement it on the next revision. Also I am not asking for your money, so no need for escrow.
Thats a great work buddy. But its developed it works give analyse the data just based on your command as well the input thats been provided or added initially and data which were often updated. It doesn't know what the real market situation. So its better to have a real time analysis
Yes! Good idea, I will make the data presentation much clearer and users will be able to change time periods as they want.
I will write it down in the development backlog and get started on it.
I like the fact that it's free and the interface is pretty good too. I'll be subscribing.
I read your story and it seems pretty convincing, hopefully I can make some profit too
Thank you. Means a lot to hear that! I hope we all will make some profit with it.
Well I just got scammed of a consequently substantial amount of money so yeah I'm rather pesimistic on such things.
But my apologies for judging in advance. And it seems like numerous people tested it and vouch for it.
I'll wait a bit and if everyone is satisfied or at least didn't get screwed I'll maybe give it a try.
Wow that's harsh man. I feel for you. Karma will get that bastard.
You're welcome.
As i have said earlier, I'm keen on trying this out but with reservation. You see, I'm into day trading thats why I want a real time data analysis. I know its a free service you are offering here, but if its not too much to ask, I still want some real time way to receive your bot's prediction.
Do you have any good go to resources on day trading? The more I learn the more I can improve the bot.
I can make the real time data available if you are interested. Just tell me in which format you would want to receive it (website, twitter, facebook, email etc).
That is look good, does is your bot can used for all of markets? Or just for btc-e? And i think you explain how is work.(tutorial) sorry i am newbie
Right now it's BTC on btc-e.com only.
I will start working on a tutorial for you.
There are mostly new accounts vouching for you OP but also feww Hero/Sr member.
If/when we reach page 4 and enough vouching I test your tool
Page 4 here we gooooo!
Hi Looks cool, subbed, will throw $20 at it and see what happens
Thanks for your effort man, some stable trading signals can help a lot people.
Do u usually sell within a day or does the bot also send the sell signal?
This is just the first version so it still primitive.
I sell the same day as the bot recommends. It will will send you a recommendation to sell, but use your own judgement when to sell. As we all know bitcoins are extremely volatile and the prices can change drastically hour to hour.
Thank you!
i have so basic knowledge of programming so forgive me if my question is newbish
but why is their emails in the source code that can be exposed? should't it be in a database accessed by your version of the code that you are running?
It should, but maybe he just created the code rather fast. Having the database to store everything means higher cost, and not sure he'll win anything with that.
In fact this tool doesn't give anything to its creator no? That's probably the most fishy thing here, that you don't earn money with it xD
Yes, it is built fast. Now my job is to tighten it up.
My philosophy is to provide value first. If it's good the reward will follow. I have some ideas on how to monetize, the best case scenario would be that both me and the users can profit from it.