Sure it does, so long as you have the force capable of stopping any infringement from occurring, using an eye for an eye justice system that had worked so well for thousands of years. People would learn very quickly the perils of infringing on another, so they would move to weaker targets or change their ways.
Don't you see the fallacies of your fantasies? Let's review:
What if you don't have the force capable of stopping said infringement? You're assuming everyone has that power and strength.
Citing barbaric traditions of the past is hardly the model of freedom you're looking for.
I guess the weaker targets aren't deserving of freedom then.
Seriously, go rethink your ideas for a few years and come back when you're eighteen.
At least in my solution there is a realistic expectation of protecting oneself instead of relying on the police who only react to crime, not prevent it... and the criminal will actually learn from their crimes and not be constantly traveling through a revolving door because an eye for an eye is way worse than 3 hots and a cot in prison.
In fact, according to Warren v. District of Columbia, the supreme court held and affirmed that the police have absolutely no obligation to protect a citizen unless under special circumstances, like being detained or while in custody.
You think and eye for an eye is barbaric? I agree. Almost as barbaric as the criminal infringing upon me or my family.
Not to be unfeeling, but weak people who refuse to prepare and protect their families deserve whatever they get. All they have to do is educate themselves, buy weapons, learn how to use them safely, and practice. Confidance will come with experience and repitition. Physical defense classes may also as well as build confidance. Also they should build community support structures for assistance.
The thing many do not realize is that it does not matter what the law says or how the police react. There is so much crime today specifically because of the high chance they wont be caught and disciplined. They know most homes and families are not prepared to be infringed upon. They know most soley rely on the cops who only react. They know the government is trying to take the guns. They know hunting is decreasing becasue of the over harvesting of antlerless deer herds, which frustrates hunters, meaning less hunting and less guns.
In the end the only rights you have will be taken away if you lack the ability to defend those rights from infringement. Criminals could care less about laws when they want what you got and no oneor nothing is around to stop them.
A criminal could come over to your house right now and do what they want regardless of the law and the police, and there would be nothing you could do about it if their force was greater than yours. If your force was greater than their and they knew there was a high likelihood you would kill or maim them, they would avoid you like the plague.
Most simply do not understand the mind of a criminal.