No winner, on to the next block.
822118 hash: 000000000000000000016b5d3bb004fde6e9c559a370b667541370808e62c812
Winner- mx12.levins! (goes to Owlcatz as a gift, guess the blockchain gods smileth upon this)
More fun and adventure awaits tomorrow.
Haha, I can't even recall the last time I won a raffle. I wanted to nominate someone in the last raffle but didn't get the right feeling. Today, when I saw that number 12 was free, I thought about gifting it to one of my collectors, and he turned out to be the winner! This is the second time, remember the raffle where Owlcatz gave out free tickets, and I gave him a special number? Well, he won it! Raffles like these really make my day. I love giving and seeing people win. Thanks to 2stout for organizing these Christmas raffles!
"..symbolic of life's risks. Positioned alongside it is the "lucky list," prompting contemplation on whether the risks we take can lead to unexpected strokes of luck."
This quote is from my latest artwork. I initially thought there wouldn't be any more originals this year, but I love what I do so much that I've decided to hold another auction in a couple of hours. It's all about the spirit of the day.