I for one stand behind Ron Paul and Rand Paul as well. My favorite quote by Rand Paul is "We do not need to have our military everywhere all the time"
Ron Paul once said:
"Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it's wrong."
These two extraordinary gentlemen have a great outlook on government and i for one am sick and tired of the way the Government dictates what we do, influences major media networks, even create fake or terrorist acts against their own people in efforts to re-write the US Constitution. Its complete bullshit and I will not stand for it and neither should you. Most people are naive to all this because of major media. That shit is bought! Congress is bought! we don't need a huge government. Give the power back to the state and get rid of government agencies such as the IRS, HSA, CIA, etc. Aren't you Americans sick of the government having your paycheck before you do and taking their share and giving you back what they feel is yours. Fuck income tax. when the Constitution was written and the word "income tax" came up it was in regards to businesses not citizens themselves. Over the years the definition of the word "income" has been altered to now mean a citizen's income. If you ask the founding 4 fathers what they meant by income tax is certainly wasn't to take money from every hard working american but rather to tax businesses that wanted to operate in america. But as you can see over the years we have been brainwashed into believing its in the constitution to tax citizens when really they just changed the definition of the word income. Do some research and see for yourselves. We should not be paying taxes to from our jobs. You've seen what the governments blows that money on anyway. That shit would never happen when the US was founded.
Also lookup President Calvin Coolidge. That man was also a good pres. He took over the office when Warren G. Harding died and he fired 50% of the government and gave all those task to the private sector which opened up several more jobs and helped our economy. No one hears about him because they don't want people getting the same idea as it does not sit well with those big crooks on wall street!
http://youtu.be/bztZe19-3LIPlease donate RPC: RDktDeqVUoY2G5p2FhRmPggVvMtWrVtjad
I will use it wisely to help make a change!!!!