Judging from my own very small balance and wagering, I generally manage to wager around 30x my deposit minimum before busting, and that's without a conservative strategy. Conservative should be close to 90x.... [snip non-sense stuffs]
I'll take that bet and DOUBLE it. If you put 1 BTC into the Bonus Account (that has a requirement of 25x wagering before you can get the account balance) and you actually win it, I'll give you 2BTC. Just record it on Dlive in a live stream for proof. You're not wagering anywhere near 30x let alone 90x. You lie. If you cant back it up, dont make stupid claims.
That's not a bet and I'm not going to prove anything to you, because you don't have any intention to do anything other than say what you want us to believe. Anyone can read this thread and find all your posts, and they'll understand why.
100,000 satoshis. If you bet 100 satoshis 1000 times at 1.01 = 1 x wager. Chance to win is 94.06%. We round down to 94%.
Loss is expected at 60 times per 1000 times = 6000 satoshis. Win is expected 940 times = 940 satoshis. Nett loss every 1x wager = 5060
At 1k times, you also get 1k bonus, which unlocks at next 100k wagering. So nett loss every 1x wager = 4060
Rough calculation, you can do this all day and get about 25x (100k/4k). But conservatively, I could just aim for 1 sat martingale til I get 1% of deposit, and then do above strategy til back to original deposit. Rinse and repeat. Eventually I bust yes, but I get my 30x quite OK, the bigger the deposit the easier, and I deposit more than 100k.