Thanks for the answer. Yeah, I will change my email address. When I signed up on I used my secondary email which I used for less important registrations and I was afraid of spam. Now I change it to my main Gmail email.
I know what you mean about fearing spam. I used my main address when I signed up to this forum and since the hacks, I get a load of spam there now. I also had my yahoo email hacked as a result of them being hacked ages ago. If your email does get hacked that gives the hacker a way into your account using the password reset, that's why I strongly recommend using 2fa.
I always claimed it at least once a day if I got more time I will do more but yes last time I got around 400++ per claim but due to the higher price today I just claimed around 300++ which is still good. I tried to hit this lottery. I will not stay out of it before I can claim it once
And I do not understand why can you guys only can claim just around 10? It is far from mine here
base reward is $0.002, $0.002/$9800 = ~0.00000020 BTC (20 satoshi)
some users' payouts was
cut in halved because they are suspected part of botnet
if you can get 300+ (max 400) then your
bonus reward is almost maxed, currently 380 is max bonus reward
you played multiply a lot or bought lottery tickets, these 2 actions increase your faucet's amount
I can get 60s/claim (20+(2*20)) because my bonus reward is only at level 2
Yes, I played a lot, no wonder I got that much per claim. I thought that just because I am old member then got this. That means if only I can using bot on this then it must be a good reward in a month right? It is pretty obvious to have one acc at the time if only I can max the claim then it must be pretty good deal. But the problem is if OP allowing bot here because it will be abused for sure
Btw where to check the bonus level? I never saw anything like that before, just to make sure
The base reward is still $0.002 but that gets halved if you don't meet some minimum requirements of betting, buying lotto tickets or holding a certain balance. That was done to try and combat bots as they won't do those things and risk making a loss.
The bonus level can be seen on the front page. This is what mine looks like with the first level activated.
what is the botnet? they use bot to claim faucet or? i long time no log in forum.
Yes, it is a network of bots abusing the faucet