But trust me, there are so many people spending hours on faucets, trading, etc.
I dont usually quote in entirety but in this case I have to underline its all correct. Theres plenty people sitting round with time to claim on this faucet and every other faucet there might be plus enter every internet contest they possibly can. Some people do all this, very often its during another job which has alot of wait times attached to it.
I dont have the same job now but even before Bitcoin existed I was collecting tickets on faucets, back then it was driven by advertising of some kind or another. The amount of pop up adverts and aggravation of wading through spam just to register for a free lotto of some kind you wouldnt believe. The internet now is alot nicer to users then it was decades ago, especially on the nice page loading and how rare down time is.
Since the dawn of time, or since the dawn of the internet lol
I'm old so I know all about the PPC sites (pay per click). You click an ad, watch it for 1 minute or 30 seconds or whatever. And get 1 cent lol. I used to run ads on those sites to get people to visit my old company website and was amazed you could get 1000 people per day easy. You need to watch 1000 ads to get min withdrawal of $10.
And after Paypal charge you only get a bit. I never understood that.
Then faucets came, same story.
I guess you are old like me. I remember sites were slow, disconnected, broken images, all just to show tons of banners and clickable popups. But people kept on clicking I guess!!
So yeah trust me there is always gonna be market for faucet, people will spend days and days to get... a few dollars