This is a regular contest that they do every month and those who are the luckiest to be able to win in this contest are those who already have rich referrals and are actively playing on freebitcoin, but finding and getting referrals is not easy nowadays, very different when crypto first appeared and when freebitcoin first appeared which was better known at that time as a bitcoin faucet.
$ 32,000 is the total prize so that value will be divided between several winners and there will be 10 winners with the biggest prize is $10,000 and you can also see the statistics for this contest in the contest tab section on freebitcoin you will see how much the first leaderboard make wager per month to won that prize.
I think it's clear that there are whales who would be taking advantage of this but that's how gambling works, in almost every place there are people who end up gambling a lot compared to everyone else, and they get all the rewards.
The great thing about this place is that even though those type of things are won by the whales, we also have the weekly lottery and lambo lottery which could be won by regular people with nearly no money at all as well. We have seen plenty of times where under 1000 ticket owners ended up winning them both, which is why it's actually good for everyone and not just whales. They keep a great balance between people like us, and the whales.
But do not be disappointed, in the odds are always fulfilled, just as there are whales that have to buy many tickets in any contest, if there is a person who manages to buy 1 ticket, he can win even more than the whales, There is nothing written here, the important thing is to try, when we think about the numbers, obviously the whales will have a greater advantage, but here anything can happen, the weekly lottery is good, any contest is good, but the important thing is that you participate without fear, the weekly lotteries there are players who only buy 1 ticket and win.