I don't know what things were like in Dec 2020, as I only got the premium account about 6 months ago.
You would know if you paid any attention to my replies in this thread over the last couple of days. WoF paid exactly what it does now.
Prize values have always gone up and down in sync with BTC values as far as I can remember. That's fine and perfectly understandable of course. If a player previously would win 30 Sats, and then the price of BTC doubles
next month, then the same player should then win 15 Sats next time around, that makes perfect sense to me.
No. As I pointed out here:
When we first introduced WoF we left the payouts at 50/500/5000 for a long time while BTCUSD was increasing before we linked the rewards to price. The effect of these changes actually brings the expected value of WoF spins exactly back to where it started.
~As I have already pointed out we actually have been paying out far higher than the original costs of WoF spins for many months and this adjustment only brings them back to where they started.~
That only deals with part of the issue. All WoF spins have been heavily overpaying for many months, not just the new RP Bonus WoF spins.
and yet gain in my very last post.
And yet nobody said thanks while we left the rewards static during the bull run from Dec 2020. Now we just put it back where it was it's 'a drastic reduction".
But the thing that I find strange is the changing of the actual fundamentals, the odds for the prizes. If it's true that the actual odds have changed, then spinning is obviously not as much fun as before. As an example, a few days ago, I did about 120 spins, and every single result was the same prize, either the lowest sats, or the lowest lott or the lowest RP prize. I can't say that spinning the wheel is very exciting when every result was the same.
I have zero issues with prize values decreasing or increasing in proportion to the value of BTC, but if the odds and fundamentals have been changed, then that is the only thing that I find to be strange, because those wouldn't be the same odds that were in effect when I bought the extra spins via the premium membership.
I explained that's purely a matter of opinion here:
3. Changes should involve reducing the winnings but not virtually removing them
That was the other option wetsuit and I discussed but we decided that a severe reduction in the value of all the prizes would be more unpopular than just making the bigger prizes harder to win. That's just an opinion that we formed, some will agree and some will not.