I received this message today as I have received it many times before to confirm converting MY balance of 52680.47122574 DOGE at FreeDoge.co.in to be converted to BTC and credited to MY FreeBitco.in account
Then wait until seven days have passed and nothing happens
I offered you all the ways to get my money back, but you ignore my request
What is the logic of this that makes you profit from the money of others and make him lose
I know very well that they are taking advantage of my money and their problem is not in repair their dogecoin wallet
Is there not a rational man among you and knows how to handle things
Without offending you. I can't imagine anyone behind the website needing to keep their money or delay anything.
If you received this message today, that is perfectly fine, and you will receive your money in the equivalent in BTC on FreeBitco.in.
Since there are technical problems on the FreeDogeco.in website, this is a very fair solution.
What is your problem with this solution?