As far as I can tell, you are still deciding on what to take, money or Lambo. My question is, would you consider posting a picture of the real Lambo with some real landscape in the background, in case of taking the car?
Absolutely not. The risk involved is too great.
I understand it, and that's why I wasn't asking to take a picture in your back yard. But I don't see how it can be risky to take such picture, say, five hundred miles from your hometown?
I mean, I don't know, maybe I'm missing something in regards to security. So, I would really like to learn from you about that.
You see, a real Lambo with some real landscape in the background, and with "" or "USER ID:13562178" or something like that handwritten on paper and placed on the hood, would really make the whole thing more entertaining in my opinion. But of course it's for you to decide. Not pushing you to do anything.
I just want to know how it can dangerous to do it, considering that it's several hundred miles away from where you live?
Thank you for your time! And congrats on the win, again!