I think the best thing here is that there are no ads,,, have you tried a faucet site and seen the annoying ads all over the place to get 10 satoshi and claim 1,000 times so you can withdraw? No this site is much better, faster, and you can try and multiply smaller balances to get even higher amounts faster;)
Well, there is no ads at all and that is awesome but at the same time think about how much money they are making from gambling as well, I remember the old faucet days where there was a million ads everywhere and you couldn't even claim a faucet without clicking at least one ad (probably even more) and that sucked, however it was truly free and you truly didn't spent a dime for it.
Is freebitcoin totally different? Not really, you could come down here and simply just keep claiming for free without ever spending a single dime as well, however they are making that difference from other people, people who are fine with gambling here because it might be a faucet but it is also a casino, and now even a betting site as well.
So, they are not just a charity giving away money, obviously they are making a profit, which they should of course because... well like I said they are not charity, they are a business.