Discord - https://discord.gg/Q7qmmgW6wG
Github - https://github.com/Frog-Coin/Frog-Coin-Core
Website - https://www.TheFrogCoin.com
Pool - https://pool.uunigate.com/
Exchange - http://www.exbitron.com/
Explorer - http://explorer.frogcoin.info
whitepaper - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LOMH9dCNLnq4ioVyevhYJbS417IJEZTu/view?usp=sharing
Ticker: FROG
Algo: Bmw512
Block Spacing: 2 Minutes
Stake Minimum Age: 60 Confirmations (PoS-v3) | 2 Hours (PoS-v2)
Block Reward: 225 FROG
PoW/PoS Reward: 150 FROG
MasterNode Reward: 70 FROG
Dev/donation: 5 FROG
MasterNode Collateral: 75,000
Maximum Coin Count: 1 billion FROG
Premine Coin Count: 15 Million (used for - Discord Airdrops, events, & Competitions)
Mineable/Mintable Coin Count: 985,000,000 FROG
Port: 20995
RPC Port: 20925
Tadpoles keep waterways clean by feeding on algae. Adult frogs eat large quantities of insects, including disease vectors that can transmit fatal illnesses to humans (i.e. mosquitoes/malaria). Frogs also serve as an important food source to a diverse array of predators, including dragonflies, fish, snakes, birds, beetles, centipedes and even monkeys. Thus, the disappearance of frog populations disturbs an intricate food web, and results in negative impacts that cascade through the ecosystem.
Frogs are important in medical research that benefits humans
Frogs produce a wide array of skin secretions, many of which have significant potential to improve human health through their use as pharmaceuticals. Approximately 10% of Nobel Prizes in Physiology and Medicine have resulted from investigations that used frogs. When a frog species disappears, so does any promise it holds for improving human health.