My 5xxx and 6xxx Radeons can't seem to get lower than diff 16 shares... and this is the only pool that gets blocks in last 10 hours
setting diff multiplier leads to "rejected share above target" .... literally lost 10h of mining for nothing at or mining with no accepted shares at suprnova
you have to wait until diff retargets down.. start diff is 16, but if you dont submit shares within 60 seconds you will be set to diff 8 by the pool, if again not enough shares are received within 60 seconds, you'll receive diff 4, then 2 and so on..
by altering your diff multiplier, you probably got banned as the pool thinks you want to cheat. msg me ur username on the pool and I'll re-enable your acc.
Also, I noticed that the password doesn't matter - if worker name is ok, shares are accepted. One of my workers is xxx.cpu with pass cpu, but using -u xxx.cpu -p c everything works
Right now I have 2 750Ti working at diff 14.4 - altho they haven't sent successful share for 9 minutes , they were started with -f 256...
PPS: while I was writing, the diff for their worker on the site become 16, yet still no accepted share from them in last 11 minutes.