Fud is one of the factors that always exists in the crypto market whether bull market or bear market. In a bull market, fud is bound to occur and depending on how huge it is, will likely cause a downtrend in the market, hence giving those who spread that fud as well as those waiting for price dump the opportunity to buy more and once realized it is nothing but fud, the price continues growing again. In the same way, in a bear market, most people knowing what Bitcoin offers will continue spreading fud in order to cause more people to sell, and it's quite easier in a bear market because as many people are already confused, thus any little fud they will sell. Fud is something a lot of people need to understand, so that they can make better decisions most especially when it is a fud about Bitcoin.
If you are getting out of bitcoin as soon as it drops, you are a weak hand and you shouldn't have been in crypto to begin with, however I understand the panic as well, I was one of them back in 2014 as well, when it was 1400 I bought at around 900 dollars and didn't sell at 1400 and it lead to a lot of drops as well, I didn't had too much money at the time but I got out at around 500 dollar levels and lost about a grand there.
However good thing about this is the fact that I learned from my mistake and never done the same mistake again. We have new people in crypto now that we have increased so much, and they will do the same mistakes I did back in the day and they will learn from it and probably won't repeat it. So, it is good for the long term of bitcoin price if you ask me.