Full member, Sr member and Hero members, we will pay you:
0.0006 BTC Per constructive post. 50 posts min per month.
NOT spam. NO rubbish posts (we do check)
Members We will pay you:
0.0004 BTC Per constructive post. 50 posts min per month.
NOT spam. NO rubbish posts (we do check)
Sorry, Newbies and Jr members cannot join the post campaign. But can join our affiliate program on our site paying 25% at our website
03/01/2014 Payments have been sent for FEB
Payments for posts are monthly on the 1st of every month for the month previous
4333 Posts per month max = 2.6 btc @ 0.0006 btc per post for Full member, Sr member and Hero members
6500 Posts per month max = 2.6 btc @ 0.0004 btc per post for Member.
Payments for casino wins will be paid as detailed in our terms and conditions on our site.
You cannot spam or just post rubbish for the hell of filling up posts. Rubbish will not be paid.
An example posting rubbish:
I agree with....
A single image
Posting something that is not topic related in a thread.
1 account per person. Anyone trying to use more than one account will be banned. And all monies lost. Your traffic must be productive in players joining and spending money to continue in this program.
If you have minus trusts or you are labeled as a scammer, on this board, you cannot be part of this program.
You can only have our advertisement in the signature with the link. Nothing else. No other advertising or personal links etc.
Post count starts when we see your signature with your bitcoin address. Previous posts do not count. There is no rollover.
Every month starts at zero in counts.
No need to apply every month as you will be automatically enrolled month to month. We have the right to terminate this program at anytime with 1 weeks notice.
Post your bitcoin address for payments up on this board. With your starting post.
We will then view your post count and start your count.
If you edit this original post YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE PAYMENT. If the original post you made signing up has an edit image next to it, you will be disqualified & NOT PAID.
And that’s it!!!
No one else is paying this much. Best deal out there.
Update: 03/01/2014 Payments sent!!!
Current members...
To continue in our program, you don't need to reapply. It's automatic.
Min 50 posts apply in the month of March for April 1st pay day.
Party on!!
please update your codes to the above.