just the basic info like connections, mempool, cpu/memory-load, traffic,
take a look urself.
I'm not much of an expert though, it was more like constant trial and error,
but I also wrote a howto on how I've done it.
Might have to switch some commands here and there and probably even skip some parts (like installing a webserver, if you've already got one) depending on your setup.
This was just made for raspbian, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work on other systems too.
I've set up a node from a PHP script I found on github[1] and a Bitcointalk thread[2] with a little modification of my own. It's quite a simple page that displays the data without the graph. I've tried statoshi again and unfortunately, it was quite unusable for some reason.
My node is here: . Uptime might be a bit spotty while I modify it as I go. I'll make my own status page when I have the time to code .
[1] https://github.com/craigwatson/bitcoind-status
[2] https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/php-bitcoin-node-status-page-916634