
Topic: [fully funded] Requesting a 300 BTC one month loan - page 2. (Read 5434 times)

Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
Activity: 2058
Merit: 1452
Another early repayment went out.


Enjoy and thanks for being awesome!  Grin
thank you for super early repayment Smiley
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
Another early repayment went out.


Enjoy and thanks for being awesome!  Grin
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
Awesome setup gigavps. Have you ever thought of raising capital through glbse? I'd love to invest some Smiley

I have been self funding up to this point. I have 31Gh running and it is soon to be 40Gh. Smiley

I am not even sure how I would do that. I will look into it and see.

You could issue bonds, pay dividents/interest on them and at the end of their lifespan buy them back. Probably wouldn't be worth it for a small amount since the fee for creating an asset has gone way up, but the whole "infrastructure" is there to be used Smiley
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
Awesome setup gigavps. Have you ever thought of raising capital through glbse? I'd love to invest some Smiley

I have been self funding up to this point. I have 31Gh running and it is soon to be 40Gh. Smiley

I am not even sure how I would do that. I will look into it and see.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1000
I got my coins, thank you very much for the extra repayment Smiley
I was very happy with this loan and I am more then willing to loan to you again

hero member
Activity: 602
Merit: 502
great thanks, confirmed, loan repaid.

it would be good if you list your mining business in glbse, good idea, i would invest.

sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
Awesome setup gigavps. Have you ever thought of raising capital through glbse? I'd love to invest some Smiley
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
Ha, the coins arrived. Thanks a lot, anytime again ! Your rig is really impressive. Very nice Cool
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
Just a heads up, if your interest rate was at 5% previously, it has now doubled to 10%. This is to thank all of you how have loaned BTC to me and trusted me. It means a lot and I want you guys to know that you are appreciated.

On top of this, I have started to repay loans early. If you take a look at the spreadsheet, you can see the order in which people lent BTC. You will be repayed in this order as I earn bitcoins.

The first three have been repayed. Here are the transactions:

senbonzakura (IBB)



Please confirm receipt of your payments.  Smiley
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
Installed the 5870s this morning, they are quite impressive.

Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps

The 5870s arrived today! They'll get installed tomorrow.  Cheesy

Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps

Two 5970s have been purchased with the funds to replace two that were a little worn down. The ones they have replaced are now on standby in case another 5970 just dies. I got a really good deal on these.  Wink

I have also purchased 5 5870s from amazon and they should be arriving on Monday. I will take some pics when they arrive and will post them. I got a GREAT deal on these as I used the coins to buy discounted amazon gift card codes. The 5870s will replace a 5 5830 rig and these cards will be used to replace lesser performing 5830s elsewhere in the cluster.

I will be making one last purchase with the funds and will post a pic when it arrives.

The rest of the farm is mining away and making coins to help repay the loan at the end of the month.
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
Thanks znort987 for filling out the loan request.

The request am now fully funded!  Grin

I will post picture of the upgrades to the farm as they come in.  Wink
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps

I am not the kind of person who will risk his reputation lightly (I have never done this before for anyone) but I would say Giga is one of the 1% you can really trust. I have dealt with him in the past and he has be very honest, quick and shocking out for my own best interest.

Thanks for the kind word Goat. I really appreciate it.

Sent another 15 BTC. Repay to first address

Thanks Turbor. I have added you to the spreadsheet for another 15. I made it a separate line item as the delivery date is different.

Sent 50 btc. Repay to 1FPpU66N8wJUYooRfUKbLY8mfJrXocRBjP.

Thanks vuce. You have also been added to the spreadsheet.

28 BTC left to go!!!!
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
Sent 50 btc (transaction id 00f665dfe48ea7b11c47bc1cb901e1b3a035e1e65febb5a3aee1ad03463716a3). Repay to 1FPpU66N8wJUYooRfUKbLY8mfJrXocRBjP.
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1000
Sent another 15 BTC. Repay to first address
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1015
I am not the kind of person who will risk his reputation lightly (I have never done this before for anyone) but I would say Giga is one of the 1% you can really trust. I have dealt with him in the past and he has be very honest, quick and shocking out for my own best interest.
This. If I hadn't already depleted myself on another loan, I would have sent much, much more.
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
Bump. 93 BTC to go!!!
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1000
AKA: gigavps
Sent 50 BTC repay to 1E5AS9Gt6U1wvRScrhG8xSoZxndKRhUwWX

Thanks bwagner. I have added you to the spreadsheet.

93 BTC remaining. You guys are amazing!  Wink
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