Anyone who interested to know how our Provably Fair feature works.Please check the
description on our web-site and glance through the
guide I wrote here.
If after all these readings you still have a question, please post it here.
I read all those readings but I don't think any of my three questions were answered by it.
How do I find the "page of the bet" for slot spins? I suspect that if I could find that page it would answer my first question.
Edit: I think I found it! I clicked on the link that says "Uqijeyy988" in the top left corner and my recent bets were listed! Maybe rename the link "Bet history" or something that makes sense.
Edit2: Once I found that, the rest followed. I was able to verify all my slot spins with a single command, like this:
$ n=9; while ((n>=0)); do echo $n $(php -r '$server_seed = "138d94bfb49733fa00153642c51104b6a451c21a7916d5f93e7f250a8730f503"; $client_seed = "derp99"; $nonce = '$n'; $reels = [["7","7\/D","7\/D","D","D","D\/C","D\/C","C","C","C","C\/3B","3B","3B","3B","3B","3B\/2B","2B","2B","2B","2B","2B","2B\/B","2B\/B", "B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B\/7","B\/7"],["7","7\/D","7\/D","D","D\/C","D\/C","C","C","C","C\/3B","C\/3B","3B","3B","3B","3B\/2B","3B\/2B","2B","2B","2B","2B","2B\/B","2B\/B", "B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B\/7","B\/7"],["7","7\/D","7\/D","D","D","D\/C","C","C","C","C\/3B","3B","3B","3B","3B","3B\/2B","3B\/2B","2B","2B","2B","2B","2B","2B\/B", "B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B\/7","B\/7","B\/7"]]; $hash = hash("sha512", $server_seed.$client_seed.$nonce); $mt_seed = hexdec(substr($hash, 0, 4).substr($hash, -4)); mt_srand($mt_seed); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) echo $reels[$i][mt_rand(0, count($reels[$i]) - 1)].($i != 2 ? "," : "\n");'); ((n--)); done
9 2B,3B,B
8 D,3B\/2B,B\/7
7 B\/7,2B,3B
6 2B,B\/7,C\/3B
5 B\/7,7\/D,B
4 B,2B,D
3 C,3B,2B
2 3B,B,D\/C
1 B,2B,C
0 2B,B,3B
The '\/' means the wheel landed between the two symbols shown, and it matches up with the screenshots I took. (Were you thinking the forward slash needed escaping, and that's why you preceded it with a backslash? It doesn't, and the backslash gets shown in the output).
So it's all a bit backwards - the algorithm isn't shown until after you randomize your roll, and the server seed isn't shown when you randomize, but only when you find the bet history page, which you can only find by clicking the garbled text link in the top left. But it does actually seem to work.
Edit3: I tried calculating the house edge on the slot game:
reel 1: 10*- 7*1 5*2 4*3 1*7 3*C 2*D
reel 2: 12*- 8*1 4*2 3*3 1*7 3*C 1*D
reel 3: 10*- 7*1 5*2 4*3 1*7 3*C 2*D
one-in- chance win pays ways to win
------- -------- --- ---- -----------
32768 0.0030% 777 1000 1*1*1 = 1
8192 0.0122% DDD 500 2*1*2 = 4
1213.62 0.0823% CCC 100 3*3*3 = 27
682.66 0.1464% 333 50 4*3*4 = 48
327.68 0.3051% 222 20 5*4*5 = 100
83.59 1.1962% 111 10 7*8*7 = 392
41.84 2.3895% CC 5 3*3*(32-3)*3 = 783
9.92 10.0708% nnn 2 (4+5+7)*(3+4+8)*(4+5+7) - 4*3*4 - 5*4*5 - 7*8*7 = 3300
4.32 23.0987% C 1 3*(32-3)*(32-3)*3 = 7569
1.59 62.6953% lose 0
payout per 32*32*32 = 32768 spins =
1000*1 + 500*4 + 100*27 + 50*48 + 20*100 + 10*392 + 5*783 + 2*3300 + 1*7569 = 32104
RTP = 32104 * 100.0 / 32768 = 97.9736328125%
So it checks out with the 97.97% you claimed.
Here's a more concise verification function:
php -r '$server_seed = "138d94bfb49733fa00153642c51104b6a451c21a7916d5f93e7f250a8730f503"; $client_seed = "derp99"; $nonce = 9; $reels = ["7--DD--CCC-3333-22222--1111111--","7--D--CCC--333--2222--11111111--","7--DD-CCC-3333--22222-1111111---"]; $hash = hash("sha512", $server_seed.$client_seed.$nonce); $mt_seed = hexdec(substr($hash, 0, 4).substr($hash, -4)); mt_srand($mt_seed); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) echo substr($reels[$i], mt_rand(0, strlen($reels[$i]) - 1), 1); echo "\n";'
I don't like the idea of using a PHP-specific random function. I think the output of mt_rand() changes depending on what version of PHP you use, so it's not ideal. But it does work I guess, so long as we use the same version of PHP.