
Topic: Fun stuff to do with bitcoin? (Read 14541 times)

sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 252
May 06, 2019, 02:12:11 AM
Having bitcoin is of course very pleasant if the purchase is still cheap and then sold to be expensive, meaning that the benefits can buy something you want.
Apart from that bitcoin as a practical payment tool can be carried anywhere, including in the whole world, so it is safer than carrying cash.
Yes you are right there mate. Bitcoin is safer to carry than cash but we must consider that not everyone in the world is accepting bitcoin as a mode of payment. We should still wait for the massive adaption and that will happen for sure in the future. I am hoping it will be soon.
hero member
Activity: 2814
Merit: 576 - Crypto Sportsbook
May 06, 2019, 12:48:45 AM
the nice thing about bitcoin is that when bitcoin is easy to use by anyone, bitcoin can be used as a profit and of course bitcoin can have a high price. this will be one of the pleasures of using bitcoin.

For me, the fun is to know that I can go anywhere without any cash if I have Bitcoin in my wallet. In this case, I can use it anytime I want and as I want - no taxes, no restrictions.

To enjoy that you need to be in a place where crypto adoption is already big.
Unfortunately in my country I still cannot enjoy this kind of stuff because there's only few stores that accepts bitcoin and they are in majored cities.
I'm still hoping soon the situation will improve, not only in my country but in all countries where crypto or bitcoin is useful. 
Activity: 349
Merit: 10
May 05, 2019, 09:44:45 PM
the nice thing about bitcoin is that when bitcoin is easy to use by anyone, bitcoin can be used as a profit and of course bitcoin can have a high price. this will be one of the pleasures of using bitcoin.
Having bitcoin is of course very pleasant if the purchase is still cheap and then sold to be expensive, meaning that the benefits can buy something you want.
Apart from that bitcoin as a practical payment tool can be carried anywhere, including in the whole world, so it is safer than carrying cash.
hero member
Activity: 3066
Merit: 605
May 05, 2019, 11:34:40 AM

with bitcoins you can still do lending on some exchange, you can exchange them for altcoins that give dividends (neo, mnx, xpundi), there is also a survey site that pays in bitcoin rewardingways...
Activity: 215
Merit: 99
May 05, 2019, 11:06:03 AM
Right now now there are a lot of services that's been offered to crypto users in exchange with cryptocurrency. We have different opinions on what fun is in your description it's about mining, faucets, wallets but in my case I see fun in a third party on where I can use the bitcoin and it's in gambling.

True it's risky but I see and experience fun here and I know the risk and my responsibilities in using this kind of platform.
sr. member
Activity: 882
Merit: 250
May 05, 2019, 10:32:05 AM
the nice thing about bitcoin is that when bitcoin is easy to use by anyone, bitcoin can be used as a profit and of course bitcoin can have a high price. this will be one of the pleasures of using bitcoin.

For me, the fun is to know that I can go anywhere without any cash if I have Bitcoin in my wallet. In this case, I can use it anytime I want and as I want - no taxes, no restrictions.
sr. member
Activity: 870
Merit: 250
May 05, 2019, 06:59:09 AM
I remember the first years of bitcoin's life. There were so many things to do and learn: mining, faucets, wallets, blockchain visualizations, etc.

Nowadays the bitcoin world is pretty boring: mining is for people with deep pockets, faucets don't exist anymore, wallets are getting centralized by big corporations (, coinbase, etc.).

Is there anything fun left to do with bitcoin, any specific application, website, app, anything that will make bitcoin fun and interesting again? Otherwise I just keep on holding and that's it.
When Bitcoin is widely used in countries. we have a lot of things to do with Bitcoin. Such as shopping in commercial centers, paying education fees, hotels, restaurants. Generally, a lot of things from Bitcoin and Blockchain technology make it all we will not become boring.
hero member
Activity: 1582
Merit: 523
May 05, 2019, 02:09:29 AM
the nice thing about bitcoin is that when bitcoin is easy to use by anyone, bitcoin can be used as a profit and of course bitcoin can have a high price. this will be one of the pleasures of using bitcoin.
We can use bitcoin in an easy way, accessing our wallet online with bitcoin. Fun stuff doing as long we are online we have internet we can do anything to our bitcoin. This is the privelege that we have using bitcoin.
Activity: 785
Merit: 34
May 04, 2019, 06:08:35 PM
I remember the first years of bitcoin's life. There were so many things to do and learn: mining, faucets, wallets, blockchain visualizations, etc.

Nowadays the bitcoin world is pretty boring: mining is for people with deep pockets, faucets don't exist anymore, wallets are getting centralized by big corporations (, coinbase, etc.).

Is there anything fun left to do with bitcoin, any specific application, website, app, anything that will make bitcoin fun and interesting again? Otherwise I just keep on holding and that's it.
I don't think there is fun in bitcoin any more we are now getting more serious in the atmosphere. Definitely my own path where it's fun is the hunt if AirDrops and Bounties and getting to see how most projects sticks to their products and get to make the community believe they won't turn back on them. I remember wasting time and data back then for mining and faucets which was a big waste of time wish I knew about AirDrops and bounties it would have made a long impact in me. Which is not too late am still taking part today.
jr. member
Activity: 68
Merit: 6
May 04, 2019, 05:16:00 PM
There are many interesting Bitcoin LN applications that are fun to play with. Not sure if you have ever tried making a LN payment, but spending satoshies using micro transactions is awesome.

We at Niffler have built Bitcoin Graveyard
jr. member
Activity: 52
Merit: 1
May 04, 2019, 02:22:55 PM
This phenomenon is explainable, because bitcoin stopped being an experiment that was not valued enough to become real money, a speculative investment for many, in the wealth potential dreamed by others, and all these are serious things so the fun of the first days seems to have gone forever.

And so formal has this become, that even all the multiple options that there were to obtain bitcoins are condensing into microjobs or freelance work online, and that has little fun.
sr. member
Activity: 626
Merit: 251
May 04, 2019, 02:15:23 PM
the nice thing about bitcoin is that when bitcoin is easy to use by anyone, bitcoin can be used as a profit and of course bitcoin can have a high price. this will be one of the pleasures of using bitcoin.
full member
Activity: 784
Merit: 135 - The future of Decentralization
May 04, 2019, 02:13:32 PM
I remember the first years of bitcoin's life. There were so many things to do and learn: mining, faucets, wallets, blockchain visualizations, etc.

Nowadays the bitcoin world is pretty boring: mining is for people with deep pockets, faucets don't exist anymore, wallets are getting centralized by big corporations (, coinbase, etc.).

Is there anything fun left to do with bitcoin, any specific application, website, app, anything that will make bitcoin fun and interesting again? Otherwise I just keep on holding and that's it.

Buy sex toys online using bitcoin and send it to your friend's house lol. That would be fun if you don't have anything to do with your bitcoin.
full member
Activity: 407
Merit: 101
May 04, 2019, 01:58:15 PM
For now I think the nice thing to do with bitcoin is to trade, because for me trading is a challenge that I must be able to solve when I continue to suffer losses and thus indirectly I will try hard to find information and gain insight about blockchain and crypto.
Activity: 97
Merit: 10
May 04, 2019, 09:55:54 AM
I remember once when I studied and understood bitcoin and how I could support bitcoin easily, I always let the faucet claim bitcoin every 5 minutes - 10 to get 1,000 sat up to 10,000 sat every 10 minutes and I kept claiming bitcoin all day long, and I feel bored if I just claim bitcoin and I try it, and now more and more people are using the faucet to get bitcoin and the less revenue to claim bitcoin and I try to follow bitcoin investments and I invest all my bitcoins there and I get to double from my capital it only takes 1 year, and now we really have to work hard to get bitcoin
Activity: 504
Merit: 10
May 04, 2019, 09:26:18 AM
Lots of fun things in bitcoin. One of them is the large volume and active volatility that makes trading more vibrant.
Activity: 314
Merit: 10
“A nexgen decentralized ride hailing ”
May 04, 2019, 09:12:49 AM
We may find bitcoin right now quite boring, because market is down, bitcoin price drops, even bounty hunters are waiting, transaction from different company are not welcoming due to its uncertainties, some banned bitcoin. It seems to me is light that snap out... like brown out no none knows when it will light up again. But then we know it will come will rise.
Of course it is most fun when bitcoin investment has given a big profit, because plunging as a bitcoin investor not pursuing profit is impossible.
In addition, the process of increasing the bitcoin that is seen on the monitor of the bitcoin exchange market can spur andrenaline, especially when prices drop while our confidence prices will rise. That's how happy bitcoin trading is, while waiting for the price to rise the analysis continues.
full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 100
April 30, 2019, 12:17:25 PM
Now the whole market is completely controlled by full fledged corporations so the fun now is the casino and online betting is available which is increased in the present time and those who have bitcoin they are using it for various purposes but for the new people to enter into the market it tough because now making bitcoin through mining is very tough job and the only thing which you can do is to buy bitcoin and hold it for future.
full member
Activity: 616
Merit: 100
April 30, 2019, 12:03:01 PM
I like this thread regarding to have fun stuff to do or to have with bitcoin. I think the only fun with bitcoin if its price goes up and all cryptos would follow increase.
I also really hope that it happens because of the increase in Bitcoin, so there will be many people who profit.
and even though there are still people who suffer losses but it is their fault for not being patient waiting to sell.
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