"the numbers are not exactly random".
"lowest unique bid auction"
This may not work especially if we're aiming to operate and compete with the other casinos.(international)(you know how paranoid people are here)
Or is this mainly aimed at Filipinos?
Yes, this is a concern in this bitcoin-centric gambling world. Yet there are hundreds or thousands of "traditional" fiat-only gambling websites. Poker. BlackJack. Live Dealers. Slots. Other casino games. None of them are Provably Fair. They do have a certificate from some government agency, or some group that audited them. But there is no way for a player to verify anything.
It's a website operating from Saturn, so it's open to everyone in the Solar System where it is legal for players, but I won't bother checking.
I'm gambling on my reputation. It's how all traditional 1-37 operators worked. They paid out winners. Everyone knows the games are "rigged", but if you played the right strategy, you could be a winner too. It's simple: you bet on the numbers that no one else bets on.
I don't want to spell it out for you, as that's part of the fun and mystique and mystery and allure of the game. Everyone thinks they all have a chance. They do. It's essentially a raffle. I just need to find a way to make it look nice.
I could always go and make it "Provably Fair", that won't be a problem, but I'm trying to gauge interest from private investors if they want to try the "traditional" way.
Another thing is the "No Limits", that's quite risky for the investors ...
Again, I'm not sure you get what is implied by "No Limits". The house will NEVER lose. A winner will ALWAYS be declared. And prizes will ALWAYS be given to the winners every draw. In this case, all I need are private investors, there won't be any "public" investors like other dice sites where you can create an account, deposit bitcoins, and click "invest".
*On a side note, have you thought about adding a game like "e-bingo"? It's a popular game among Filipinos. Plus, it's got a pretty high House Edge at around 11 - 30% I think.
That's essentially what 64blocks already is. It's a mix of bingo, sic bo, and dice but at a house edge of 1.56%. Any kind of "traditional" lottery or bingo will indeed have a high house edge, and unless backed by a large corporation or government legally, won't attract players.
everyone else. Saturn! (The one with rings!)
All legal advice welcome, but I can safely "discard" it. I don't know of any Saturnians that will attempt to sue me.