I like to hold coins for long term but right now im interested in futures trading and there is a thing i don't understand and cannot find answer on internet (lol).
Lets say i bought long BTC/USD at $47,000 and if bitcoin goes down like at $42,000 will my open order will be canceled automatically without my permission and lose my money. I know stop limit loss but im not interested at this right now because im always behind my computer. Also... Can you hold open orders like for a year and if it goes up i take alot of profits.. My concern is only if im at loss i don't like to sell and lose but im concerned if my open order will be canceled automatically if not set up limit loss and take loss, i always wait for the price to go up at the same price i bought. English is not my first language if my question is not clear please let me know i'll try to explain below in comments. Thank you.
Its called liquidation as previous posters said. Its caused by over leveraging. Exchange is not a charity or gambling organization. If you used 10x leverage, longed 1 BTC at 47k, used 4k as collateral means that if BTC is down to 43k you collateral is equal to 0. If exchange wont close your positions means its exposed to currency risk. Its not your risk anymore. You have 0. Its their risk now. They have to close your position. If you dont want them to sell have to always make sure that your collateral is big enough. As big as your possition if you want to be sure that you are safe even during flash crash that happends from time to time especially on illiquid exchanges.