there is one reason why we are so passionate about gambling.
- debt
this is one of the reasons why we are very passionate when doing gambling. high winning goals, sometimes we target 100-200% wins, because we gamble using borrowed money. this becomes very interesting when gambling under pressure. with the demands we will return the money the winning of gambling on the same day, and that is what causes us to fall in gambling.
As a gambler? I don't know, but I don't gamble using borrowed money. Maybe I have other source or money to burn that's why I didn't practice this or maybe I'm so superstitious about my gambling habits that I believed that if I borrowed money just to feed my gambling habits, I will just lose it, so its not good to go that route. And its going to be a double whammy, in your end. But I wouldn't tell anyone to do or not to do it, we have our own decision and as a gambler I don't think that I'm in the right position to tell others what they need to do.
Exactly, using borrowed money will just make your life worst, you are not making an investment here, but you are gambling
with a chance to lose. Sometimes, because we want to win back our loses, we do stupid things like borrowing money without even thinking the possible
consequences of our actions.