A trader who neglects their strategy and follow their instinct is a gambler..
A trader who trades even when the market is not in sync with their strategy is a gambler...
A trader who only understands the basics of trading and failed to keep up with research is a gambler..
A trader who does not have a plan have a threat of gambling...
The difference between a gambler and a trader lies within a very thin line. And there is no sitting on the fence if a trader does not fit into that thin line then they are obviously gamblers and there is no two ways about it.
These are just facts, but that doesn't mean situations won't go against them, such as the first line, a trader may not have a strategy, especially if he is a newbie, and may be lucky to enter a trade when the market is good, he can make something out without a strategy, simply buying and the market will pump in their favour for the next few hours and they sell to profit, this could be for daily as well.
Instinct is another thing that helps sometimes as well, you might have a trade that you have set up and by technical analysis, you read some news and feel that the market will dump in some other time, you can sell your trade and close the open order and after a while, the market will dump. This is what instinct does for traders, sometime you follow them where you think technical analysis might not be applicable to your trades.