You can also try and manage your funds and invest them in casinos instead of playing and losing them.
Nobody would like to give his money to others for no reason when people keep them busy in gambling related activity than it make more complicated to give up, through investment there is less chance to lose money as compared with betting.
But if one thinks that he/she can't control them if they got a money in hand then they can take any of their family members to monitor or take control of the funds. But once addicted people don't gamble for some time and don't talk about that topic then slowly they can come out of this gambling habit. OR they can also consider to invest their money where they can't withdraw for some fixed time to avoid spending money in gambling.
That's true and an addicted gambler must need to get closer to his friends who are not engaged with gambling because if he has a lot of friends and most of them are in gambling. We all know what will be the output of his gambling addiction he will not able to help himself. I guess finding the right crowd will help you everything when it comes to gambling.